Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The McCarthy Show (Building Great Teams)


If this URL says nothign to you, IMMEDIATELY head there and start reading, starting with 'the Core'.
Examples of application are also at http://aigamedev.com/team-dynamics/core-protocols

This should have been a course in my university!

one could quote the whole thing, but I just selected this one to make you interested: "Asking in time of trouble means you waited too long to ask for help. Ask for help when you are
doing well."


Anonymous said...

I agree this should be given in schools around the world.
I know that Jim & Michele have done trainig sessions for education institutes. If you would be able to bring your university in contact with Jim & Michele, that would be a win-win-win.

Jad Nohra said...

yes not a bad idea, if I find the time maybe I will...
btw, I find your blog very interesting!